If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there--but you won't know when you get there, because you never really expected to get there in the first place! There are folks who live their lives and work their careers based on this motto. Leaders cannot afford such ambiguity. I would like to suggest that you consider the five elements that come together to create a workable leadership strategy.
1. Leadership Mission: What is your driving purpose or cause?
To develop an appropriate leadership mission, the aspiring leader must determine the "primary service" to be offered to his or her followers, including but not limited to information, education, experience, inspiration, courage, vision, or any combination of these and others.
2. Leadership Goals: Where is it that I can make the greatest impact?
Leaders have the ability to choose their "primary focus" points (i.e., response time, quality performance, sales volume, profit enhancement, morale improvement, etc.)
3. Leadership Objectives: When will I know that I have been successful?
Leaders should create "primary markers" which serve as a basic measurement tool indicating leadership success or lack of it. Leaders must know and must be able to communicate these indicators to their followers.
4. Leadership Strategy: Which routes are most appropriate for us to pursue?
Leaders recognize there is more than one way to achieve the desired and stated goals and objectives. The most important question to be answered involves which method is best for you, your followers and your organization.
5. Leadership Tactics: Which action plans will I initiate?
With the leadership mission, goals, objectives and strategies clearly identified the action plans begin to take shape. It simply becomes a process of "planning your work and working your
Phillip Van Hooser is a leadership expert, keynote speaker and best selling author. His management training system, The Leadership Journey, has been used by companies all across the U.S. and beyond to help their people lower turnover rates, raise productivity, enjoy improved management/employee relations, manage change efficiently and communicate successfully with co-workers, superiors and customers. For more leadership strategies, sign up for Phil's newsletter and podcast at http://www.vanhooser.com/newsletter/